The publishing house Guy Schraenen éditeur was founded in 1973 in Antwerp, but operated just the same in Paris. From the beginning on, it was devoted to visual arts, sound poetry and film. Its affiliated Printing Workshop functioned as a very early artist residence where artists were invited to explore, conceive and realize, among others, silkscreens, small offset publications and mimeographed works. Guy Schraenen éditeur published original artists' books, magazines, catalogues, postcards, multiples, prints, records and films in limited editions. The publications are represented in most international artists' books collections. Many exhibitions of these publications have been organized (see catalogues). Guy Schraenen editeur has also been invited to present his books at art fairs such as the Art Basel or Art Frankfurt as a member of United Untied.
Information about the published art works can be found by clicking on the following images (for still available publications: please go to order or contact or to this catalogue).